Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Surmmer Learning Journey ( week 2 day 4 A2)

Celebrating Diversity

Hi friends today I'm going to talk about 370 and 500 million Indigenous Peoples.  370 and 500 million Indigenous Peoples living in the world. They represent over 5000 different cultures and speak 4000 different languages. Amazing!Indigenous Peoples is the term used to describe the people who were the first inhabitants of a land. In Aotearoa, Māori are Indigenous. Indigenous people have rich and vibrant cultures that make the world a fascinating and varied place to live.Today I'm not doing any facts because their is none facts about it so I'm doing the activity.

The SLJ told me to do is On your blog tell us the names of the two groups that interest you and then tell us at least two facts about each group. This is mine.

I chose Ainu People and Maya People
2 facts about Ainu people.

1. This northern island of Japan is home to the indigenos Ainu people.
2. The Ainu language was forbidden and the people were force to speak Japanese.

2 facts about Maya people

1. They have to speak thirty Maya languages despite differences words like son time mother.
2. Their languages share a common linguistic origin and because these words convey the very essence. 

Thank you for reading my blog post.
Bye by Izumi.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mōrena Izumi,

    Thanks for writing about the Ainu People and the Maya People - I found your facts really interesting. Did you know about these indigenous groups before you found this information?

    I think it’s pretty amazing how these indigenous groups have such strong cultural traditions. There is so much for us to learn about these groups :)

    Just a reminder that whenever you post online, every sentence must be put into your own words.

    Have a groovy day,
    Eliza :)


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