Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Surmmer Learning Journey ( Week 2 day 2 A3)

I Have A Dream

Hi guys today I'm going to talk about Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Park. Martin Luther was a civil rights activist in the United States of America (USA). USA had laws that kept black and white people separated. This was called ‘segregation.’ He also wanted everyone to be treated equally. Rosa Park was another American civil rights activist. She is most famous for refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. You can read about this here and watch a video about Rosa Parks here. Now I'm going to do more facts about Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Park.

1. Rosa Park was born in 4 Feb in 1913.

2. Martin Luther King Jr was born in 15 Jan in 1929.

3. Martin Luther King, Jr. didn't just become the leader of the civil right movement: He also helped to start it.

4. Rosa Park wasn't the first black woman who refused to give up her seat.

Those were the facts I know about Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Park. Now I'm going to do something from the SLJ they told me to do is to tell the problem and solution that Rosa Parks had. Here is my one.

Rose Park was born in 4 Feb in 1913. She was normal kid as you guys, when she was little older her parents decided they would not be together anymore. So Rosa moved with her mother, they moved to Pine Level, Alabama where they stayed with her granparents. Living with her gradparents allowed Rosa to see people do mean things African Americans, but it also showed her how to be strong! Like one day her grandfather protected their farm from a group of men called the Ku Kulx Klan. When it came school things were not fair either. As a child the schools Rosa went to were segregated. She also left school in the 11th grade to help her sick mom and grandmother. Dring this time in Montgomery, Alabama the local buses were also seregated. She also have to be arrested.

That was the story.

Thank you for reading my blog post.
Blog you later bye.
By Izumi.

1 comment:

  1. Ata Mārie Izumi, I hope you’re having a groovy morning so far!

    Thank you for completing week two, day two, activity three. I enjoyed reading what you’d learnt about Rosa Parks and you’ve put it into your own words brilliantly. The treatment of African Americans in the USA breaks my heart...She was an incredibly brave woman wasn’t she!? If she was alive today, what would be one question you’d like to ask her?

    Thanks for blogging,
    Eliza :)


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