Friday, 18 October 2019

Beach Clean

Beach Clean  For Te Waka Ako

Hi Guys, today I'm going to talk about the beach clean that we did at school. We did the beach clean in 27 of Sep, We all carried our signs that we made at climate change but the teachers said that we could carry them when we walked to the beach. The beach's name was Waikowhai Beach that was next to our school and we even got to chose our own group and I took my friends and their names are ( Aamena, Pao, Madison, Brittany and Jaimie and Kenney .) 

 In the ground we saw so many pieces of glass I was so suprised because there was so many glass on the ground so we picked more rubbish and we took photo and we went school. 

Thank you for reading my blog

Bye Bye here is some photos.



  1. Salaam, my name is Ehsan in room Waitemata at Waikowhai Primary School. I really liked how you talked about what you did as a school before going to the beach to clean up rubbish. It made me think of when me and my group went to the beach and one of my friends was just lifting up rocks because he wanted to find some crabs. Maybe next time you could add a little bit more detail for e.g you could say how you felt before you went to the beach or if you enjoyed picking up rubbish to help the world not get piloted.
    If you would like to see my blog the link is

  2. Thank you for your comment Ehsan and I will check your blog as well.

  3. Good habits..keep it with you.

  4. Great work. Schools play very important role for learning of students and to teach them the cleaning of schools as a group activity.


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