Friday, 27 September 2019

Pillow Design

Pillow Design

Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk about our Pillow designs. We just had to write a quote about being positive and kind to go on a pillow we make next term. 

I wrote two different languages. Those languages were English and Sinhala.  I wrote lots of quotes on my art book to put it on my pillow design. This is what I wrote. 
  'You are my SUNSHINE, Be Happy for ever, Be the happy Girl and Boy, You will be the best daughter.'
 So that's what I wrote on my art book but I decorated  it with flowers and hearts, and suns and we coloured it but I didn't colour my pillow, thats it.

Bye Bye

Here is some photos



  1. Cool Izumi I very liked it and I got surprised when you said ike different languages

  2. Thank you for the comments Aamena

  3. Hi there Izumi I liked how you had 2 languages and how you added a lot of photos and made the writing pink next time do more writing.I could not understand the 2nd language next time explain what it is.Bye!

  4. Good job Izumi.I'm really proud of you.


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