Sunday, 23 December 2018

Fairy Kingdom Narrative

Hi everybody we did a narrative. a narrative needs a good character and a bad character. A narrative also needs a problem and a solution. My narrative starts with 'Once upon a time' and ends with'

Summer Learning Journey:All about New Zealand

Kia Ora today I did Summer Learning Journey and it was fun

The Maori name of New Zealand is Aotearoa which means the land of the long white cloud.

Dairy farmers produce a whopping 100 kg of butter and 65 kg of cheese each year for each person living in New Zealand.

There are no snakes in the country!

CyberSmart game

Today we are doing CyberSmart game and we did the snake game and it fun and I can show you what I have done!

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Creating a Google logo

Kia ora everybody today we are creating a google and it fun do you want to see
If you would like to make your own Google Logo then click here.