Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Matariki 🌟

   Matariki 🌟

Hey guys welcome back to my blog. On 23 of July we did Matariki. If you don't know what Matariki is it a moari celebration for the 7 stars ( sisters.) At school we did some activities for Matariki. The activities that we did was making kits, stop motion and making fried bread. 

The first activity that my class did was making fried bread with Mrs Jones. It was so good but if you add butter and golden syrup or butter and jam it's more good.

The next activity that my class and I did was stop motion with Miss Daily. For stop motion we had create stop motion video about Matariki. That was my favorite activity that I did for Matariki.  

The last and finale activity that I did was making kits with Mrs Law.
For this activity we made kits but they couldn't fly because it was just a decoration for the school for the class. Me and my friend ( Aamena) was doing hot glue gun on the kits so that we can stick the pattern that other peoples did and then its a decoration kit.

Friday, 3 July 2020

Cross Country 2020

Cross Country 2020

Hi bloggers, today I'm going to talk about the Cross Country.
In Cross Country I didn't play any games because I was one of leaders who had to explain to the students how we play the game. Their were five activities, the first activity was the handball, the second game was tennis, the third one was the blindfold game (My group and I did that one!) The fourth one was playground or cool down, The last one was the warm up. When I was finished doing my leader things, it was time for the run. I did not like the run because it was so tiring and so hard. But I did very well because I came 5th equal with Pao. I had a great day of Cross Country.

Here's a slideshow of photos from the day!
Blog ya later!