Friday, 29 May 2020

Lockdown Creations Numera Fā!

Lockdown  Creations
Numera Fā!

Hi bloggers welcome to my blog today I going to tell Lockdown creations slide show 4. For this week slide show it was very diffrent because for friday we olny have two boxes. One big box for picturs and one thine box of the Daily reflection.But I really like the old one but it's the same.

Bye bye.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

My 2020 Lockdown Diary

                                         LOCKDOWN DIARY

Hi guys today I'm going to tell you guys about the lockdown diary. During the Covid - 19 lockdown period, Te Waka Ako worked on the lockdown diary. My lockdown diary has been finished and it has all of my feeling, poems, drawing , favourite's and the future me. My favourite slide is the self portrait. I like the self portrait slide  because I like drawaing things. The lockdown diary will be a good memory when you get older.

Bye Bye😊


Monday, 25 May 2020

Lockdown creations.

                                          LOCKDOWN CREATIONS

Hi Guys in the first weeek after 8 weeks of lockdown was amazing. We had a choice boards for our work like Maths, Reading, Writing, Mindfullnes and Science. For our blog post we have to post our lockdown creations slide show. Our For lockdown creation slide show the choice boards for work and I really enjojed doing in the new way.

Bye Bye.