Thursday, 9 January 2020

Surmmer Learning Journey ( Week 4 day 5 A2)

En Pointe

Hi Guys today I'm going to talk about a world famous ballerina, Misty Copeland. Misty Copeland isn’t like most other ballerinas. She started ballet quite late - at 13 years old. This didn’t slow her down. She won many competitions. In 2015, she became the first African Amercian principal (lead) dancer of the Amercian Ballet Theatre. Now I'm going to do some facts about Misty Copeland.

1. She was born in 10 Sep, 1982.

2. Her full name is Misty Copeland.

3. She also made 6 books.

Those are some facts about Misty Copeland. Now I'm going to do something that the SLJ told me to do is to share your text graphic and underneath it, explain what it means to you. Here is mine. 

Thank you for reading my blog post.
Bye by Izumi.


  1. Hi Izumi it's a good idea...

  2. Hi Izumi
    Nice article. I like that your idea.

  3. Hello Izumi,
    It is great to see your enthusiasm for the Summer Learning Journey! I really like how add some facts before you do the actual Summer Learning Journey activity. I also like how you added the deeper understanding of the quote, so people can understand what it actually means! I think you chose an amazing quote. I have never heard that one in particular, but I have heard other nes that are similar. Maybe next time you could tell the viewers that you got a quote. Overall, this is a phenomenal blog post! Keep up the astonishing work!


  4. Buenas Noches Izumi,

    Wow! What a fantastic poster you have created for your blog post. Its is full of colour, it is bright and very eye-catching. I personally love the use of water colour, I use it all the time for background images on my computer, phone and on displays in my classroom!

    I really like the inspirational quote you have chosen today “Think positive, be positive, one day you will be a strong person”.

    Thank you for sharing what this quote means, I can tell it is something that is important to you. I also feel like a positive mindset plays such a big part in our day to day lives so thank you for sharing this quote, it’s always nice to read something like this!

    What made you want to choose this quote in particular?

    Check out our awesome Ako Hiko Twitter feed, you might see one of your own posts or some of your friends! You can use this link to go onto people’s blogs and leave them some comments too!

    Here is the link:

    Blog ya later,

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