Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Surmmer Learning Journey ( Week 4 day 1 A2)

Romeo and Juliet

Hi Guys today I'm going to talk about William Shakespeare. Willliam Shakespeare wrote books, poems and plays. His plays are very famous and people still love them even though they were written a long time ago. William Shakespeare wrote in English, however, it is not the same kind of English that we have now. Now I'm going to do some facts about William Shakespeare.

1. He was born in 26 in April, 1564.

2. He was famous for 3 performance.

3. William Shakespeare wrote 38 players 154 sonnets.

Those are some facts about William Shakespeare. Now I'm going to do something that the SLJ told me to do is to share both your English and Shakespearean translation of your recount. Here is mine.

This morning I woke up and then I had breakfast. When I finish my breakfast I went to brush my teeth and then I got dressed. I went out for a walk and then I did some star jumps.

This m'rning I wake up and then I hadst breakfast. When I finish mine breakfast I wenteth to brush mine teethe and then I get dressed. I wenteth out f'r a walk and then I did same st'r jumps.

Thank you for reading my blog post.
Bye by Izumi.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Izumi,
    I have commented on your blog before. Do you remember me? Anyways, I really enjoyed reading this blog post. I liked it because you added some facts at the start and you didn't even have to. Secondly, you kept your recount simple. Thirdly you explained who William Shakehpere was. Lastly, you told us what you were doing for the activity. Maybe next time you could explain what sonnets are because some people might not know about that. Overall this is a phenomenal blog post. Keep up the extraordinary work!

    1. Hi Vitaraag,
      I stil remember you.
      Thank you for saying my blog post was good.

  3. Hi Izumi,
    I never knew that they speak differant type of english language.thanks for the information.

  4. Valorous m'rning, Izumi

    thanketh thee f'r having a wend at the english to shakespearean translation activity. I liketh this because thee receiveth the chance to playeth 'round with and receiveth creative with language, how merit!

    i did enjoy reading about what thee doth in the m'rning t sounds quite similar to mine own m'rnings! i loveth yond thee did include starjumps, is yond thy minion ex'rcise?

    Has't a most wondrous day,


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