Monday, 23 December 2019

Surmmer Learning Journey ( week 2 day 2)

A Long Walk To Freedom

Hi Friends today I'm going to talk about Nelson Mandela. He was an activist and civil rights leader who lived in South Africa. For many years, South Africa had different rules for people who had white skin and those who didn't.This was called apartheid. Nelson Mandela felt that this was very wrong. Nelson Mandela tried to change the law but he was sent to prison. After this , he became the president of South Africa and ended apartheid.He also spent 18 years in Robben Island prison. Mandela had a tiny, damp,concrete cell, with only a straw mat to sleep on. Now I'm going to do some facts about Nelson Mandela.

1. Nelso Mandela was born in 18 July 1918.

2. Nelso Mandela full name is Nelso Rolihlahla Mandela.

3.Nelso Mandela got 6 childrens.

Those are the facts I know about Nelso Mandela. Now I'm going to do something that the SLJ told me to do is to describe a prison in 4 sentences diary. I will show you mine.

The Prison is so smelly and gross. You can do anything in the prison because it dosen't have anything.When you want to go toilet it is so disgusting, also the beds are so uncomfortable. When your neighbour is smoking  in feel TERRIBLE! And that's what happend every single day.

Thank you for reading my blog post.
Bye by Izumi.

1 comment:

  1. Tēnā koe Izumi,

    Thank you for completing week two, day two, activity one. I’m sure the prison Nelson Mandela was in, was pretty gross and smelly!

    He was an amazing man wasn’t he!? If he was alive today, what is one question you’d ask him?

    Remember that there are extra points available for outstanding posts, so if you want to get those it could be good to add some more detail to your posts and even some images if you wanted to!

    Have a good afternoon,
    Eliza :)


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