Saturday, 21 December 2019

Surmmer Learning Journey ( week 1 day 3 A3)

Achieving our Dreams

Hi friends today I'm going to talk about Silver Ferns.  They are the New Zealands Netall team. They play against teams from all over the world and often win. To become a Silver Ferns player, they had to work so hard . Now I'm going to do some facts about Silver Ferns.

1. Silver Ferns have won 5 times! Amazing

2. Silver Ferns started game in 1938.

3. Laura Langman is the captain for the silver ferns.

Those are thr facts I know about the silver ferns. Now I'm going to do something that the SLJ told me to do. I have to do is a post of a dream job. This is my post.

Hope you like my drawing and my blog post Bye.
By Izumi.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Izumi,

    Well done for creating a brainstorm about how to achieve your dream job. There are lots of kinds of artists. Do you know what kind of art you would like to create? If I had the chance to be an artist I think I would look at ceramics or pottery. That way I could create interesting pots for all of my plants! Plus I could sell them so others can enjoy them too.

    Keep up the awesome blogging,

    Blog ya later!



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