Monday, 16 December 2019

Summer Learning Journy ( Day 4 activity 2)

Summer Learning Journy

Mahatma Gandhi

Hi bloggers today I'm going to talk about Mahatma Gandhi. He was the famous for using protests without any violence, to make changes and he also want India to be an independent country. Now I'm going to some facts.

1. Mahatma Gandhi's full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandi.

2. He was an Indian lowyer, politician, social activist and writer.

3. He was born in 2 October 1869, India.

Those are the facts I know from Mahatma Gandhi. Now I'm going to a activity from the SLJ they told me to do. If healthy  food was expencive and Junk food are cheeper. If we had healthy food for cheeper we will be so strong , we wont get sick and we can stay in this life for long.  If the junck food was expencive most of the people won't buy it. If you going to eat junck food you will be sick and you wont look like a healthy person. Now I would like to see the world with healthy food and cheeper.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Bye blog you later.

By Izumi.

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