Friday, 29 November 2019

Big Foot Bike Adventure

Big Foot

Hi everybody today I'm going to talk about Bigfoot . Bigfoot was on 27th of November, Bigfoot came to our school for bicycle training. They told us how to ride bikes. I was kind of nervous to do bicycle training because I didn't try bicycles when I came to New Zealand. My teacher helped me to ride bicycle and to teach me how to use brakes.

When my teacher told me everything I was kind getting better I was kind good and that's what happened to me .

Bye Bye 

Here is some photo

Friday, 22 November 2019

Athletics Day!

Athletics Day!

Hi everybody, today I'm going to talk about the Athletics day. It was on 19 of Novermber. It was a fun day because we got to wear our house group t-shirt. I wear green because it is my house group is pukeko. There were 8 activities. The activities are (tennis, cross the river, sprints, cheer the sprint people, throw ball, 200 and 400 meter run, high jump , hurdles and relays.) I like every game but I most like is high jump and cross the river.

 Here are some photos.
Bye Bye



Friday, 8 November 2019

Create Tumble

Create Tumble

Hi guys today I'm going to talk about the Create tumble that we did at school. We started the Create tumble in week 4, create tumble means that we can do fun activities, my favourite activity was the pavement art. I like pavement art because you can draw anything on the concrete. I drew the Sri Lanka flag because it is my country and I just wanted to see if I could draw the Sri Lankan flag and I did it when I finish my flag, it was finishing time and that is what I did in Create Tumble.

Bye Bye.

Friday, 1 November 2019

Kid Bots

Kid Bots

Hi guys, today I'm going to talk about the kid bots. Kid Bots means a coding game that you have to make a game and you have to show to someone and I show it to my friend (Pao) she finished my one so quickly that I didn't have time to do Pao's one and it was finishing time and that it bye.

Thank you for reading my blog Bye.

Izumi's Kid Bots