Friday, 30 August 2019

Week in Te Ana Ako

 Week in TE ANA AKO

Hi everyone It's me Izumi today I'm gonna talk about my time that all of the senior people went to camp. Some of the people didn't go to camp as well.

I have to go on other classes and I went to TE ANA AKO and we did some cool maths art and reading and writing I really like the maths art because you just have to draw four things on a black paper and I draw a paer, crown, cloud and a hart and cut them out and get pice of paper and glue them.

Then the bell rang and It was morning tea  I was kind of feeling weird because my other friend (Pao) she went to camp But I had new friends to play with and then the bell rang again now was SSR that means Silant Reading and we finish SSR we still doine the maths art we did that for 1HOURS and we had free time and we had lunch time and we eat.

Then we had teacher read and home time.

Thank you for watching 

Bye Bye 

Friday, 16 August 2019

Izumi's Narritive

Izumi’s Narritive

Hi everybody this is Izumi. We started our narrative on week 1. Narrative means that you can make your own story and I really like making my own story's. Our teacher (Miss Abedin) and ( Mrs Sands) though to make a story. So we did it and they give a picture to write about but on same side you can write about your holidays as well and I write about the chinese temple. We had a sheet on our chrombook on that sheet their was Hook Sentence/s Introduction - Set the Scene, Characters describe, Problem,What happens,Solution How will it be solve and Ending. Thats what we have to do Bye😀

Saturday, 3 August 2019

Litter Blitz

Litter Blitz

Hi Everybody on 23th July we went to pick up rubbish from around our school. We did that to clean up our neighbour hood . Then the litter blitz people came to our school and told that If we pick rubbish our the earth will be clean. The teachers gave us some gloves and some bags to pick the rubbisg up with. All the classes had different places to go and our class (Manukau) went to Hillsborough Road . We found lots and lots of rubbish. That day we collected around 200kg of rubbish so it was not good this means that people have put lots of rubbish on the ground. The Litter Blitz people were very happy and I almost forgot that we had a golden ticket, some people got the golden ticket. I was happy for them and that's it

Thank you for reading my blog😊    

Here are some photos.